What will be required:
- You have to MAKE a softy. If you want to throw in a bonus purchased softy, that's your thing, but the main requirement is that you actually build something.
- This softy should not be smaller than your fist (like, 3.5" tall) and should not be larger than a shoe box (12" tall). There's no cost requirement, but consider while you're creating your critter what you would want someone to send to you, and give likewise. But do remember that you will be mailing it to someone, so don't forget to make it light so it doesn't cost you a million dollars to send it.
- Your item could be crocheted, knit, sewn, or been created by stabbing wool with mighty sharp needles. Or anything else you can think of that would make it fun for you and your recipient.
- The THEME is GREEN! We want something that's constructed out of either something already in your stash, or something that's second-hand and recycled into something new, or all-natural sources. And if you want to include extra gifts, we encourage you to give something you purchased from a local business (support local industry and introduce someone new to an interesting local product).
- Sign ups start today, June 25th, and close Wednesday, July 9th at 11:59 pm Mountain Standard Time; that being said, I won't be able to respond to your sign-up e-mails until July 4th as I'll be in the land of dial-up...I'll put some sort of out-of-office acknowledgment up if I can. We'll let you know who you're matched with by July 12th, and you'll have until August 12th to mail it off.
- You don't need to have a blog to sign up, though it is preferred as it will be easier for your pal to get to know you and what you like.
Sound good? If you can honestly commit, please e-mail laceknitta @ gmail . com (remove the spaces) and let us know:
- your name
- your mailing address
- your blog address
- your e-mail address
- your internet nickname (because we'll post the blogs up on the side bar and if you don't want your real name out there for all the world to see we'll respect that)
- your favourite colour, animal, cartoon and/or children's book
- your style preference such as cutesy, kitschy, traditional, creepy, etc.
- whether or not this softy could be subjected to the whims of children and therefore shouldn't involve any beads or other small bits
- whether or not you have a fibre allergy
- if you want to ship within your own country or you want an international pal
- if you would be willing to be an angel should some one choose to flake out (but none of you would do that right?)
Yay! Swap on, dudes!
1 comment:
I'm in!
Sending an email now.
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